5 Ways Cannabis Can Help with Women’s Health

As cannabis is becoming more mainstream, more women are incorporating cannabis into their daily routines. Cannabis has been linked to a variety of benefits, and women who choose to incorporate cannabis into their daily routines can reap the health benefits of the plant. Check out these five ways cannabis can help with women’s health.

Manage Menstrual Systems 

Cannabis has been known to help women better manage their menstrual systems. Although there isn’t much research on cannabis and menstrual symptoms, many women still use it to relieve muscle aches, stomach cramps, and nausea. The little research that has been done suggests that cannabis is useful as a form of pain relief. 


Clear Skin

Recently hempseed, a legal by-product of marijuana, has been used for a variety of skincare products. Its high levels of fatty acids both hydrates and soothes irritable skin. Researchers are looking into ways cannabis can be used to treat acne. CBD is another by-product that is ideal for skin care. It’s anti-inflammatory and acts as an antioxidant. 


Improve Mental Health

Women suffer from depression more often than men. Some studies have suggested that cannabis in low doses can be used to decrease depression and be used as an effective antidepressant. However, it’s important to note that cannabis has a short-term effect, which means it would need to be used daily in small doses to aid with anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. 


Improve Sexual Health

Many women have claimed that they use cannabis to improve their sexual health. They report having increased sexual desire, lust, and better orgasms. Although there isn’t much research on this topic, cannabis is believed to affect the cannabinoid receptor, which is involved in sexual function. 


Manage Chronic Pain

For women who suffer from chronic pain, cannabis can be used as a pain reliever. A recent study showed that 1 out of 10 women in Australia who suffer from endometriosis use cannabis to ease the pain. It was the favorite pain relief solution among those who suffered from severe pain. Women also use it to manage a variety of other symptoms and illnesses. 


Discover New Healthy Ways to Use Cannabis

Ladies who are looking for new ways to incorporate cannabis into their daily routines, let Olga Bennett from CannaLeaf Health help. She has over 20 years of experience in healthcare and is passionate about guiding patients through functional medicine, alternative, and holistic care.


Give us a call now at 443.800.0670 for your FREE consultation. 

Feel and perform your best every day. Physician developed with a step-by-step usage guide.

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