Can Medical Cannabis Help With Seasonal Depression?

Do you often feel depressed or anxious during the winter months? If so, then you may be struggling with seasonal depression disorder. Here at Cannaleaf Health, we’ve helped lots of Marylanders with their seasonal depression, and wanted to take some time to talk about how cannabis can help alleviate your symptoms.

What Exactly is Seasonal Depression?

Seasonal depression, otherwise known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a mood disorder characterized by heightened feelings of anxiety or depression, typically sufferers begin to feel the effects during the fall, and symptoms persist throughout the winter. While most cases happen during fall and winter, seasonal depression can occur during spring or summer.

Holiday Depression?

Holiday depression is similar to seasonal depression, especially in terms of symptoms. For some, the holiday season is the happiest time of the year. But for many others, it can be the worst time of the year. The weight and pressure of the holiday season can be enough to bring on holiday depression.

How Medical Cannabis Can Help

Our brains use dopamine and serotonin to help regulate our moods, but depression can mess with your brain’s chemical balances. CBD, one of the active chemicals in cannabis, can boost serotonin and dopamine levels.

Work with a Trusted Medical Cannabis Doctor

If you’re suffering from seasonal depression, don’t suffer alone, we can help. We’ve helped countless Marylanders, and we can help provide you with medical cannabis. Get into contact with our team today to learn about your options, and to learn how we can help you.

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