8 Ways to Sober Up from Being Too High?

If you use marijuana, you probably like the feeling of being “high”, but have you ever been in a situation where you need to try and sober up quickly? Usually, when someone smokes weed and is feeling high, the feeling will last between 30 minutes and 2 hours, but there are a few things you can do to help yourself sober up faster, and we wanted to talk about eight ways today.

1. Drink Water and Eat Snacks

Drinking water is always good for you, especially when high. Drinking water and eating light snacks will help you hydrate and help you sober up.

2. Use Some Black Peppercorn

If you find yourself feeling too paranoid or anxious, try reaching for your pepper shaker. Many swear that sniffing or chewing on black peppercorns can help alleviate these symptoms.

3. Be Calm and Relax

One of the best ways to sober up is to just remain calm. If you panic, it will only make things worse, but if you keep calm, you’ll be sober before you know it.

4. Go for a Walk

Taking a stroll around the block can be one of the best things you can do to clear your mind and sober up. Be sure not to wander off and get lost though. Consider bringing a friend.

5. Take a Shower or a Bath

If you’re high at home, try taking a shower or a bath. Doing so can be a great way to help pass the time while you’re waiting to sober up, and the water may help wake you up some.

6. Distract Yourself

The best way to sober up is to just wait for time to pass. So play some games, watch tv, put a record on, or do whatever you like to do and try to distract yourself for a while.

7. Know Your Limits Before You Use

Is this your first time? Are you an avid user of marijuana? Either way, you need to know your tolerance level and only use based on that. Basically, you don’t want to smoke or consume too much cannabis until you know how it’s going to affect you.

8. Do Not Panic

We wanted to stress this point again, as we already touched on it in point 3, but do not panic. If you start panicking, you could find yourself feeling even higher, and it could prolong your experience.

Consult with a Medical Marijuana Doctor in Maryland

If you have any questions about using cannabis, give us a call! At CannaLeaf Health, we’ve helped lots of people and are always happy to help in any way possible. We’re here to support you!

Feel and perform your best every day. Physician developed with a step-by-step usage guide.

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