Can Cannabis Replace your ADHD Medication?

ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is an increasingly common neurodevelopmental condition found in many Americans. It is characterized by impulsive behavior, inattention, and hyperactivity.  Researchers are beginning to understand how marijuana can be used to manage ADHD. Cannabis is a complex plant with a variety of compounds that interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system. While research on cannabis and ADHD is limited, some studies have shown that cannabis may have potential benefits for people with ADHD. ​​Our team at Cannaleaf Health has been helping Marylanders use cannabis safely for years. We wanted to talk today about how cannabis can replace your ADHD Medication.

Cannabis is a Common Medication Used for Treating ADHD

Some people with ADHD may use cannabis to manage their symptoms, as there is some evidence to suggest that Cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical in cannabis, improves symptoms. Research has found cannabis may help alleviate hyperactivity, reduce impulsivity, improve focus, and manage other symptoms associated with ADHD. THC, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, has been shown to improve cognitive performance in some individuals with ADHD.

Marijuana Can Also Help With Anxiety and Mood

Another way in which cannabis may affect ADHD is by reducing anxiety and improving mood. People with ADHD often experience high levels of anxiety and depression, which can worsen their symptoms. CBD has been found to have anxiety-reducing and antidepressant effects, which may help alleviate these symptoms and improve overall functioning.

Sativas with High Pinene are a Great Replacement for Adderall and Other Stimulants

Pinene is a terpene, a type of aromatic organic compound found in several strains of cannabis. Pinene is known for its distinct pine-like aroma and flavor and has a range of potential health benefits. Studies suggest that sativas with high pinene help in improving concentration, mood enhancement, and sleep. ​​As with Adderall, sativas increase dopamine levels, which can help a person with ADHD to focus. But unlike those drugs, medical marijuana is less likely to impair sleep and appetite, and addiction may be less risky. 

Cannabis can be Consumed in a Gummy Form for Those Who Don’t Want to Inhale

Cannabis comes in many different forms, and there are many ways to ingest marijuana. Many involve smoking, but not everyone wants to smoke to feel the effects of cannabis. Edibles are a popular way to consume cannabis for those who prefer not to inhale smoke or vapor. CBD gummies taste good and won’t harm your lungs like inhaling cannabis will. The dosage and potency of each gummy can vary depending on the product and the amount of cannabis extract used.

Consult with a Cannabis Professional with Experience

Are you interested in learning more about how you can use cannabis as a treatment for ADHD? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Properly using cannabis can be tricky if it’s new to you, but consulting with an experienced cannabis professional can help you. At Cannaleaf Health, we have the knowledge and expertise necessary to help you. Reach out to us with any questions. Give us a call at (443-800-0670). We look forward to helping you on your marijuana journey!

Feel and perform your best every day. Physician developed with a step-by-step usage guide.

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