Does Cannabis Interact With Antidepressants?

Antidepressants are widely used medications for mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. With so many states legalizing marijuana, people have been left to wonder if their marijuana usage will affect their use of antidepressants. Keep reading to find out more about how cannabis interacts with antidepressants.


What are Antidepressants?

Antidepressants are medications used to treat major depressive disorders, some anxiety disorders, some chronic pain conditions, and to help manage some addictions. The medication works by balancing chemicals in the brain, known as neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are things that affect your mood and emotions.


Understanding Different Antidepressant Drug Classes

Antidepressants are a broad category of drugs and include many drug classes. Knowing these drug classes will better help you understand how, and if, cannabis interacts with certain antidepressants. 


  • SSRIs ーSelective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, like Prozac
  • SNRIsー Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, like Cymbalta
  • TCAs ー Tricyclic antidepressants, like amitriptyline
  • MAOIs ー Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, like Zelapar
  • Atypical antidepressants ー like Remeron, trazodone, and bupropion


Known Antidepressant and Cannabis Interactions

There isn’t much research about the interaction between cannabis and Antidepressants. However, some interactions have been discovered:


SSRIs and Cannabis ー CBD from cannabis can increase levels of SSRIs in your bloodstream because CBD blocks your body from clearing the antidepressants as quickly as it normally would. A potential risk for having increased levels of serotonin in your body from SSRIs is a fatal condition called serotonin syndrome. 


Tricyclic antidepressants and CBD ー The CBD in cannabis can increase the levels of TCAs in your body. That can lead to things like dry mouth, constipation, and high blood pressure. 


SNRIs and THC ー The THC in cannabis can lower the level of SNRI Cymbalta in your body. This can lead to the Cymbalta being less effective.


An Important Thing to Note

One thing to keep in mind is that newer psychotropic medications have a relatively high therapeutic index, which means that as a class of drugs, they are less likely to produce adverse interactions. Additionally, it’s also likely that newer antidepressants carry low to moderate risks when mixed with cannabis, while older antidepressants carry a higher risk. Talk to your health care professional about your unique risks. 


But First, Get Evaluated

Before mixing antidepressants and cannabis, be sure to get evaluated by CannaLeaf Health. We provide free consultations and can help you on your medical marijuana journey. Give us a call today at 443-800-0670 to get started.

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