Don’t Get Too High This Holiday Season: How Microdosing Can Help You Through

For many people, the holiday season is one of the most stressful times of the year, which leads some to smoke marijuana to help them through. While smoking weed may help alleviate your stress, you probably don’t want to be sky-high when talking with your family, which is why we recommend microdosing this holiday season.

What is Microdosing?

The term “microdosing” refers to the action of taking small amounts of a drug over a period of time, and is usually used in reference to psychedelic drugs. Microdosing marijuana can be an effective way of taking the drug, especially if you’re trying to alleviate symptoms of anxiety. When microdosing marijuana, a user will either smoke or ingest just a little bit at a time.

What Are The Effects of Microdosing?

When microdosing, a user won’t feel the normal “high feeling” and instead will feel a much more subtle “high feeling”. When microdosing marijuana, users report feelings of diminished anxiety, relaxed muscles, and an overall improved mood. If you’re thinking about microdosing this holiday season, you should consult with a professional medical cannabis expert first.

Is Microdosing Right For Me?

How often do you use cannabis? If you use it a lot, then microdosing could be a good way to slow down your usage, while still feeling its effects. If you don’t use cannabis a lot, then microdosing can be a great way to start experiencing its effects. Speak with an experienced cannabis card provider to learn more about microdosing, and how you can start.

Work With An Experienced Maryland Cannabis Prescriber

At Cannaleaf Health, we take a lot of pride in the work we do, we love being able to help Marylanders with their anxiety, and hope to do so for many more. We’re standing by ready to assist you, so if you think you could benefit from microdosing, give us a call today, we’d be more than happy to help.

Feel and perform your best every day. Physician developed with a step-by-step usage guide.

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