How to Properly Store Your Edibles

Cannabis products and usage is at an all time high. One of the reasons that cannabis is so popular is because there are a variety of ways that it can be used. The two most common ways that marijuana is consumed is via smoking and ingesting orally. Smoking can be a good way to feel the effects of marijuana, but comes with negative health effects, and isn’t right for everyone. If you want to use cannabis, but don’t want to smoke, then edibles are just what you need. At Cannaleaf Health, we work with a lot of patients who love to eat edibles, and wanted to talk today about how to properly store cannabis edibles.

How Long Do Edibles Last?

You may still be able to feel the effects if you eat an older edible, but they probably won’t taste very good. Gummy edibles tend to stay fresher than brownie or cake edibles. It’s always important to keep an eye on the best by date on your edibles. If you’re making your own edibles, you should consult the expiration date on any of the ingredient packaging.

Storing Edibles in the Freezer Can Increase its Shelf Life

If you’re trying to store your edibles for more than a couple of weeks, putting them in the freezer is a great method for doing so. Edibles that are kept in the freezer could maintain their effectiveness and flavor for up to several months. If you plan on freezing your edibles, be sure to do so using air-tight containers.

Always Use an Air-Tight Container to Store Your Edibles

Leaving your edibles out overnight could lead to them becoming stale, which doesn’t make them very appetizing. We always recommend you keep your edibles in an air-tight container, as doing so will keep them flavorful and fresh.

Keep the Weather in Mind

When looking to preserve your cannabis edibles, you need to always keep the weather in mind. If it’s hot, you need to keep your edibles somewhat cool, or else they’ll melt. Humidity, sun exposure, and heat are three things you definitely don’t want your edibles to have to deal with.

Wrap Your Edibles Correctly

Wrapping your edibles up is a great way to preserve them for the future, but there is a right way to do it. Generally, you should avoid using plastic wrap or baggies, as your edibles will stick to the plastic after being placed in the freezer. Wax or parchment paper is a great option.

Work with an Experienced Medical Marijuana Professional

Want to learn more about how to properly store your marijuana edibles? Have any questions about cannabis in general? At Cannaleaf Health, we’ve been helping Marylanders with all of their medical marijuana needs for years now, and hope to do so for many more. Our team of experienced medical marijuana professionals is standing by ready to help you in any way possible. Reach out to us today at (443-800-0670). We can’t wait to hear from you!

Feel and perform your best every day. Physician developed with a step-by-step usage guide.

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