How to Reset Your Cannabis Tolerance

Do you feel like cannabis has lost its effectiveness? Do you miss the way cannabis used to affect you? You may have developed a high tolerance. Over time, your body can get used to cannabis, and its effects will become significantly weaker. Luckily, there are ways you can reset your tolerance and enjoy all the benefits you used to get when consuming cannabis. 

How Does Tolerance Develop?

Before you learn how to reset your tolerance, you must understand how cannabis tolerance develops. When you use cannabis regularly, you develop a tolerance. Cannabis has THC, and THC can reduce your body’s cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptors over time. Although there is no strict timeline for how and when tolerance develops, some of the factors that affect tolerance include:

  • How often you use cannabis
  • How strong the cannabis is 
  • Your personal biology 


Take a “T Break”

One of the most common ways to lower your cannabis tolerance is to take a break from using it. Research shows that while THC can deplete your CB1 receptors, they can recover over time and return to their previous levels. There isn’t solid data and an official amount of time research says you should take a break from cannabis, so it’s up to you to decide how long you want your break to last. Some people find that a few days reset their cannabis tolerance while other people need to break for weeks. 


Use Cannabis Products With a Higher CBD-to-THC Ratio

If you use cannabis for medical purposes, you may not be able to take a break from cannabis. Instead, you can change the type of cannabis products you use. In particular, you can use cannabis products that have a higher CBD-to-THC ratio. CBD doesn’t seem to lead to CB1 receptors, and that means you won’t develop a high tolerance for cannabis the same way THC does. CBD won’t make you high but still gives you several health benefits. 


Tightly Control Your Doses

The less cannabis you use, the less likely you are to develop a tolerance. You can still use cannabis, but to reset your tolerance, try using the minimal amount you need to be comfortable. Refrain from overindulging for a while until your tolerance eventually resets. 


Use Cannabis Less Often

Instead of eliminating cannabis for some time, you can try using it less often. Using cannabis less often will both reset your tolerance and prevent it from coming back again in the future. However, you don’t have to make a drastic initial change. You can start by eliminating one normal consumption per day and gradually use less and less over time. 


Get Help From an Expert 

Olga Bennett, CRNP of CannaLeaf Health has been helping people safely and effectively consume cannabis for decades. She can help you reset your tolerance and once again enjoy all the benefits that come with medical marijuana. Schedule your hassle-free appointment today!

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