Knowing What Cannabis Strain is Right for Me

There are plenty of marijuana strains available, and the vast number of strains available can be overwhelming for those looking for their ideal one. As the marijuana industry expands, so does the number of strains. Each kind of strain can produce its own kind of effects on the human body. So how do you know which one is right for you and what you’re trying to achieve? 

What is a Cannabis Strain?

Before you can determine what cannabis strain is right for you, you should have a general understanding of what is meant by a strain of cannabis. A cannabis strain refers to the product of the continuous cross-breeding of cannabis plants throughout the world. As the cannabis plant spread throughout the world and acclimated to new environments, physical and chemical characteristics began to change, therefore creating “landrace strains”. Nowadays, cannabis strains’ unique profiles are determined by cannabinoid content, terpene content, and environmental variables. 


Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid

You’ve probably heard the words Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid in relation to cannabis, but what do these words mean? Indica cannabis is known to produce an uplifting, cerebral high. Sativas are widely known to produce a calming, mellow, and sleepy effect. Lastly, hybrids are known to produce a combination of the two effects. However, these classifications do not refer to the type of cannabis strain.


Things to Consider

When trying to find the right cannabis strain, there are a few things you’ll want to consider. 


Flavor and Aroma

A strain’s terpene profile can produce subtle or intense flavors or aromas. 


Desired Effects

Everyone reacts to cannabis differently. However, there is no guarantee that a strain will produce a particular effect. You can, however, try strains with a cannabinoid and terpene profile that are likely to produce your desired effects.



How potent do you want your cannabis to be? Depending on the concentration of cannabinoids, some strains are more potent than others. 


Growing Method

Some people have a preference for marijuana that is grown indoors or outdoors. If you are one of those people, limit your search to strains that are grown in your preferred conditions.


Potential Health Benefits

Some strains have potential health benefits. If you’re looking to consume cannabis for medical reasons, consult with a medical professional to find out which strains might be helpful for your condition.



There are strains for every price point. If you have a budget in mind, it can play a role in finding the right cannabis strain for you. 


Discover Your Ideal Strain With the Help of a Professional

Olga Bennett, CRNP of CannaLeaf Health, is here to help you discover the right cannabis strain. By discussing your wants and needs, we’ll be able to identify the right cannabis strains for you and your body. Get started today by scheduling an appointment

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