Medical vs. Recreational: What Marylanders Need to Know

Marijuana has become increasingly popular in recent years across the United States and Maryland. Medical marijuana has been legal in the state for years, but with new legislation set to take effect on July 1st, 2023, recreational cannabis will also be legal in the state. At Cannaleaf Health, we’ve been helping Marylanders navigate the waters of marijuana usage for years and wanted to talk about some of the key differences between medical and recreational cannabis in Maryland.

Do I Need a Card for Recreational Cannabis?

Unlike medical cannabis, recreational cannabis requires no card to purchase. You will need to present a valid ID showing that you are 21 years of age or older, just as is required when purchasing alcohol. Not requiring a card for recreational marijuana will significantly expand accessibility and allow more Marylanders to begin using the plant.

How Much Recreational Weed Can You Buy?

Medical patients can start with an allotment of 120 grams prescribed by their physician. Recreational users, however, are only allowed to purchase 42 grams (an ounce and a half) at one time. It is also important to note that recreational users will be required to pay a 9% sales tax on purchased cannabis; medical users do not have to pay this tax.

Where Can You Buy Recreational Cannabis?

Not just any place will be allowed to legally sell cannabis with this new law. Only businesses that are officially licensed by the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) will be able to sell recreational marijuana. You may see some THC or CBD products in some stores, but these will all be unregulated low-dosage products. If you’re interested in using recreational marijuana, you’ll need to utilize one of the MCA’s officially licensed dispensaries.

What If the Police Pull You Over With Recreational Weed?

Many people may be worried about getting in trouble with law enforcement when driving home from the dispensary. As long as you keep your recreational marijuana in the original packaging provided to you by the dispensary, you shouldn’t have any issues. Breaking any seals or opening up any containers while in your vehicle could lead to issues with law enforcement.

Can I Smoke in Public?

Under the new law, smoking cannabis in public or in your vehicle will still be illegal, and you could be facing fines or other more serious legal troubles. So if you’re planning on enjoying the effects of recreational marijuana, you may want to pick out a movie to watch or some albums to listen to because you should be planning on staying home.

Consult With Experienced Cannabis Professionals

Do you have more questions about how this new law will be changing the cannabis landscape in Maryland? At CannaLeaf Health, our team of cannabis specialists has been helping Marylanders traverse the medical side of marijuana usage and can help with recreational usage as well! If you’d like to learn more about how you can use cannabis in Maryland, you can reach out to us at (443) 800-0670.

Feel and perform your best every day. Physician developed with a step-by-step usage guide.

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