Popular Smokeless Forms of Marijuana

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has been used for medicinal and recreational purposes for centuries. With the increasing legalization of marijuana in various countries around the world, there has been a rise in its popularity and consumption.

While smoking marijuana is still a preferred method of consumption for many, smokeless forms of marijuana have gained immense popularity in recent years. At CannaLeaf Health, we have been helping Marylanders with their cannabis usage for years and wanted to talk about some popular smokeless forms of marijuana today.

other forms of cannabis ingestion


Edibles, also known as cannabis-infused food items, offer a diverse range of options for consumption. These delectable treats encompass a variety of forms, including baked goods like brownies and cookies, indulgent chocolates, delightful gummies, and even beverages such as tea or coffee infused with marijuana extract or oil. The effects of consuming edibles may take longer to manifest compared to smoking, but they tend to last for an extended duration, making them an appealing choice for individuals seeking sustained relief from chronic pain or anxiety.


Tinctures, which are liquid extracts of marijuana, have gained popularity among medical marijuana patients due to their precise dosing and discreet consumption. These oral solutions are consumed by placing a few drops under the tongue, allowing the active compounds to be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream for fast relief. With their convenient and efficient delivery method, tinctures offer patients a reliable option for managing their symptoms with ease and accuracy.


Topicals are cannabis-infused lotions, balms, and oils that are applied directly to the skin. These products provide targeted and localized relief from pain, inflammation, and various skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema. By leveraging the therapeutic properties of cannabis, topicals offer a natural and holistic approach to skincare and wellness. With their non-intoxicating nature, topicals are a preferred choice for individuals who seek the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without experiencing the psychoactive effects commonly associated with marijuana consumption.


Cannabis capsules are a popular form of consuming marijuana, offering a convenient and discreet method for users. They consist of powdered marijuana that is encapsulated and taken orally. The effects of these capsules can typically be felt within an hour after consumption, providing a relatively quick onset. The capsules are available in different formulations, including CBD-dominant and THC-dominant options, catering to individuals with varying needs and preferences. Whether you are seeking the potential therapeutic benefits of CBD or the psychoactive effects of THC, cannabis capsules provide a versatile and controlled way to experience the benefits of marijuana.

Sublingual Strips

Sublingual strips are thin, paper-like strips that are placed under the tongue. These strips contain cannabis extract or oil and dissolve within minutes, allowing for fast absorption into the bloodstream. Sublingual strips offer discreet consumption and provide quick relief from pain, anxiety, and other symptoms.

Consult with an Experienced Cannabis Professional

Smokeless forms of marijuana offer a convenient, discreet, and often healthier alternative to smoking. By ingesting or applying these products, individuals can experience the therapeutic benefits of marijuana without the potential harms associated with smoking. At CannaLeaf Health, we believe in providing our clients with safe, high-quality, smokeless options for their cannabis consumption needs.

Feel and perform your best every day. Physician developed with a step-by-step usage guide.

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