What are CBD gummies?

Marijuana products have become increasingly popular in the United States, largely because so many states have legalized many CBD and THC products, as well as marijuana itself. One of the most popular marijuana products people use to treat medical conditions is CBD gummies, but what exactly are they? At Cannaleaf Health, we find ourselves recommending CBD gummies often, but not everyone is familiar with what they are, which is why we wanted to talk about that a little bit right now.

What Are They?

CBD gummies look and taste something like any common vitamin gummies, but their effects differ greatly. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical found naturally in marijuana and is one of the active chemicals that people smoke marijuana to feel its effects. CBD doesn’t really get you high. THC is the chemical that does that. Instead, CBD gives you a “body high”. You won’t really feel the effects of CBD in your mind. You’ll feel it throughout your body, something particularly useful if you’re looking to alleviate muscle or joint pain.

Are CBD Gummies Right for Me?

There are a number of different ways to ingest marijuana. Many of them involve smoking, but not everyone likes or wants to smoke to feel the effects of cannabis. Smoking has been proven to have negative effects on our lungs, so there’s good reason to have some hesitancy. Luckily, smoking isn’t the only way to feel the effects of marijuana; it can also be consumed.


If you’re someone that doesn’t want to smoke, then CBD gummies may be perfect for you. CBD gummies taste good, while smoke tastes bad, and CBD gummies won’t harm your lungs, while smoke will. Clearly, CBD gummies are a great way to feel the effects of marijuana.

How Long Before You Feel the Effects of CBD Gummies?

When smoking marijuana, the effects are felt almost immediately. When consuming an edible cannabis product, you have to wait until it’s digested until its effects are felt. Every person is different, and so are our digestive systems, so results may vary, but most people start feeling the effects of consuming CBD gummies after about an hour.

What Flavors do CBD Gummies Come In?

CBD gummies have been on the market for some time now, and if you’re someone that uses CBD gummies, you’ve never had more of a selection than you do now. If you can think of a flavor, you can probably find it in CBD gummy form. Most of the flavors are centered around fruits, but you can find other flavors too. We can also recommend a number of gummy brands and dispensaries.

Consult with a Professional Marijuana Doctor in Maryland

Interested in learning more about CBD gummies? Want to learn more about marijuana in general? Our team of marijuana doctors has worked with lots of people in Maryland and has a lot of knowledge about all things cannabis. If you’d like to learn more about our services or have some questions, you can reach us at (443-800-0670).

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