What are the Benefits of CBD Edibles?

CBD products are more popular now than maybe ever before in history, and among all of the different methods of consuming CBD, edibles are one of the most popular. We’re big proponents of CBD edibles, and wanted to discuss some of the different benefits they can provide you with today.

The Effects Are Long-Lasting

Generally speaking, edibles tend to be some of the longest lasting cannabis products available. Edibles take somewhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours to take effect, but once they have, you’ll be feeling all of the pain relief effects for hours. When smoking CBD, the effects can dissipate after minutes.

Edibles Don’t Damage Your Lungs

Smoking CBD is a great way to feel the effects immediately, but you’ll also be doing damage to your lungs. Smoking cannabis or anything over a long period of time can cause lung cancer. When eating edibles, the only smoke you’ll have to worry about is if you forget the brownies in the oven and they start burning!

Edibles Are Discreet

Some people are worried about the social stigma that still comes with using cannabis, so they don’t want to just light up a joint while going about their day. If you don’t want everyone around you to know that you’re consuming cannabis, edibles are perfect! They look just like regular food, and can be consumed as such, just don’t share any!

Get Help from an Experienced Maryland Medical Marijuana Doctor

Want to learn more about the benefits of CBD? Want to learn more about cannabis in general? At Cannaleaf Health, we’ve been in the business of helping people manage their pain for years. No matter what ails you, we may be able to help. Give us a call, or stop by our offices, our team of Maryland medical marijuana doctosr is standing by ready to help you.

Feel and perform your best every day. Physician developed with a step-by-step usage guide.

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