What is Dabbing and Is It Safe?

In marijuana culture, dabbing refers to the process of consuming high concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive chemical found in marijuana. The process is growing in popularity, and a lot of questions are being raised about the safeness of the practice. Here’s what you need to know about dabbing. 

What are Dabs? 

Dabs are concentrated versions of butane hash oil (BHO), which contains highly-concentrated levels of THC. The concentrated substance, also known as amber, budder, honeycomb, shatter, and wax, is produced through a chemical process that uses butane oil to extract the oils from cannabis. People inhale the vaporized concentrate through a temperature-specific heating method like a dab pen, e-rig, or vaporizer. 


What are the Intended Effects of Dabbing?

People dab as a means to experience an intense high. The psychoactive effects of dabbing are usually more intense and set in more quickly than they would through smoking marijuana. The effects of dabbing can be felt immediately and sometimes can last an entire day. 


Is it the Same As Smoking Marijuana?

The short answer is: no. Dabbing is not the same as smoking marijuana. Smoking marijuana does not carry the same risks as smoking dabs. In fact, one study found that dabbing can lead to higher tolerance and worse withdrawal symptoms. Smoking marijuana is the safer option.


Harmful Side Effects

Dabbing comes with a variety of possible side effects. When you dab too much, you’re at risk of side effects like:


  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Blackouts
  • Crawling sensations on the skin
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Uncontrollable shaking or shivering


These are just the immediate, short-term effects of dabbing. Researchers at Portland State University have found that people who dab are more exposed to carcinogens, toxins, and potential irritants. In turn, this puts users at greater risk for health problems. It’s important to note that the long-term consequences of dabbing are still being researched. 


Are Dabs Addictive?

Because the THC levels in dabs are substantially higher than flowers or edibles, dabs can be more addictive. Marijuana, like any drug, carries a risk of dependence. Dabs are generally considered unsafe and should not be consumed. If you do use dabs and are experiencing signs of addiction, you should seek professional help. 


Safe Cannabis Consumption Starts Here

Cannaleaf Health takes cannabis consumption very seriously. Olga Bennett, CRNP, carefully evaluates all of her clients to provide them with the best information and guidance possible. We know that medical marijuana, when consumed safely, offers a variety of benefits. Get started today by scheduling an appointment

Feel and perform your best every day. Physician developed with a step-by-step usage guide.

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